【えいごで読む物語】Expectations vs. Reality(英文)のアイキャッチ

【えいごで読む物語】Expectations vs. Reality(英文)







エクステンシブ・リーディング(多読のススメ)1つ1つ訳さず、わからないところは飛ばして大まかな意味だけ把握しつつ、大量の文章を読む方法。原文のまま意味を捉える英語のセンスが身につく!①多読で英語の読む力、内容を把握する力がつく ②読み慣れると英語らしく音読・リズム感が掴める ③英語の文章を組み立てられるようになる




It’s only natural that we have expectations in life, and equally natural when those expectations don’t really pan out. Whether it be the anticipation to try the hot new restaurant that you saw on instagram only to be disappointed by an overpriced and mediocre meal, or being fully blown away by the cheap and unassuming local eatery, life always seems to have a way of turning our expectations on their head.

This of course also applies to travel. Visiting a different country, one cannot help but have some form of expectation of what that country will be like. Portrayal in media, word-of-mouth, or even potentially harmful stereotypes all have an impact on the expectation of any and every destination.

On the topic of expectations, I took the time to ask a few of our mates about their own expectations about Japan before moving here as well as common misconceptions about their own home country. I hope you enjoy it, and can learn something new!

Meya – Poland

My expectation was that everything would be digital and very futuristic but it turned out that Japan is still quite an old fashion, paper based country.

The stereotype is that Poland is super cold and we are a Nordic snow filled country. The reality is, we have four normal seasons with super hot summers that can sometimes get up to 40 degrees C, and it snows in winter for maybe only a month or so.

Ant – USA

I initially thought that Japanese people would not be so helpful to me because I couldn’t speak Japanese but countless times I have experienced people going above and beyond to help me despite our communication barrier.

An inaccurate stereotype would probably be that all Americans love guns. Guns can serve a good purpose but not everyone loves them or possesses them.

Debbi – Italy

In my country we have the image of Japan as a perfect country where everything is extremely punctual. When I came here I realized that transportations can still have delays, especially buses.

Also, even if Japan is known for cyber technology and hi-tech products, it’s really hard to find free and open wifi outside. This part shocked me a lot, because in my country we can survive just using public open wifi almost anywhere, even in small cities.

Luckily or unfortunately, most of the stereotypes about Italy and Italian people are true. People from all over the world have the image of Italian people being super cheerful and always friendly, but I have to say that is not 100% true.

In my life I met a lot of introverted people and also I could find people, especially those who work in public at supermarkets or shops, a little bit rude and not really kind.


How was that? Were you surprised by some foreigners’ expectations about Japan? Did you believe some of the stereotypes about other countries? Each experience is of course individual, and you can never truly know a place until you have spent a significant amount of time there and really get to know the local people.

I know that for myself there have been many things about Japan that did not quite live up to my expectations, and far more that went far beyond them.

Being able to take part in such an international community makes it interesting to hear various perspectives, and learn more about each other’s culture. If you want to learn more about the ‘reality’ of living in different countries all over the world, come chat with any of the lovely mates who helped contribute to this article, as well as many others from all around the world!









